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Museum & IMAX 3D Hollywood Feature
See the film, experience the exhibition. Immerse yourself in the experience with an IMAX® and exhibition combo ticket!
Available for scheduled 3D feature films on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Family Combo Membership
Get more out of your Royal BC Museum and IMAX® Victoria experience with a Family Combo Membership!
Individual Combo Membership
Get more out of your Royal BC Museum and IMAX® Victoria experience with a Combo Membership!
Onsite Lab: Histoire Naturelle
Niveaux scolaires: maternelle à 12e année
Venez passer une heure avec un éducateur dans la galerie de l'histoire naturelle pour une exploration d'un sujet connexe de votre choix. La portée des sujets possibles est étendue: à partir des insect (more)
Onsite Lab: Natural History
Target Audience: Grade k-12
Spend an hour with a museum educator in the Natural History gallery and focus on a related subject of your choice. Anything from insects, life in a tidepool, changing climates to adaptations in a rainforest.
Digital En Ligne: Français
Niveaux scolaires: maternelle à 12e année
Le mardi à 13h00
Select from one of our French themes for your digital visit: Rencontrez le mammouth (Meet the Mammoth) or Ruée vers l'or en Colombie-Britannique (Gold Rush of BC)
These live, interacti (more)
Digital: English
Grade levels: Kindergarten to Grade 12
Tuesdays 9:30am and 10:30am
Thursdays 9:30am, 10:30am and 1:00pm
Select from on of our English themes for your digital visit: Amazing Adaptations, Dinosaurs! Adaptations and habitats, Meet the Mammoth, Gol (more)
Digital: Tech Test
Monday and Wednesday at 2:45 pm, 3:00 pm, 3:15 pm, and 3:30 pm
Book a test if you haven’t booked with us before or if you want to make sure your set-up works (computer, projector, speakers, microphone, etc.)