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IMAX: Dans la Forêt de l'Ours Esprit

French screening of Great Bear Rainforest - Faites un voyage au cœur de l'un des plus magnifiques endroits sur terre. Encore cachée du reste du monde, la forêt pluviale Great Bear est l'un des sanctuaires sauvages les plus isolés et incroyables que nous connaissons.

Aventurez-vous dans la demeure des grizzlys, des loups côtiers, des loutres de mer et des baleines à bosse, mais surtout, préparez-vous à une rencontre avec l'un des animaux les plus rares de la planète.

Le mythique ours blanc, que l'on surnomme « ours esprit », nous accueille dans son refuge secret. Située sur la côte pacifique canadienne, la forêt pluviale Great Bear est la plus vaste forêt pluviale côtière du monde et un paradis indomptable protégé depuis des millénaires par les peuples des Premières Nations.

Visitez un endroit de la terre qui a su échapper à la vie moderne comme seul IMAX® avec laser peut vous le faire vivre.

Run time 40min. Rated G.

IMAX: Sensory-Sensitive Amazon Adventure

Sensory-sensitive screening intended for guests who find the immersive IMAX® experience prohibitive.

Amazon Adventure tells the epic, true story of explorer Henry Bates' fascinating 11 year journey through the visually stunning and biodiverse Amazon rainforest as a young man who risks his life for science in the 1850's.

As in any great detective story, audiences will experience, in immersive IMAX®, the compelling clues Bates unearths in his major discovery of the phenomenon of mimicry, whereby certain animals adopt the look of others that helps them deceive predators and gain an advantage to survive. Little known to the public, Bates made other crucial contributions to biology: identifying 8,000 species new to science and most importantly, putting the first ever case for the creation of a new species, which Charles Darwin called the "beautiful proof" for Natural Selection.

Audiences will be wowed by the mind-boggling examples of camouflage and mimicry and inspired by Bates' endless curiosity and determination to explore the wilds of nature from the time he was a young boy.

Run time 45 min. CC. Rated G.

Museum & IMAX 3D Documentary Film

See the film, experience the exhibition. Immerse yourself in the experience with an IMAX® and exhibition combo ticket!

Museum & IMAX Documentary Film

See the film, experience the exhibition. Immerse yourself in the experience with an IMAX® and exhibition combo ticket!

Museum & IMAX Hollywood Feature

See the film, experience the exhibition. Immerse yourself in the experience with an IMAX® and exhibition combo ticket!

Available for scheduled feature films on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday

Museum & IMAX 3D Hollywood Feature

See the film, experience the exhibition. Immerse yourself in the experience with an IMAX® and exhibition combo ticket!

Available for scheduled 3D feature films on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Family Combo Pass

Get more out of your Royal BC Museum and IMAX® Victoria experience with a Family Combo Pass!


Individual Combo Pass

Get more out of your Royal BC Museum and IMAX® Victoria experience with a Combo Pass!

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