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Educational Programs
Educational programs focus on human history and natural history of British Columbia.
Onsite Lab: Natural History
Target Audience: Grade k-12
Spend an hour with a museum educator in the Natural History gallery and focus on a related subject of your choice. Anything from insects, life in a tidepool, changing climates to adaptations in a rainforest.
Digital En Ligne: Français
Niveaux scolaires: maternelle à 12e année
Le mardi à 13h00
Select from one of our French themes for your digital visit: Rencontrez le mammouth (Meet the Mammoth) or Ruée vers l'or en Colombie-Britannique (Gold Rush of BC)
These live, interacti (more)
Digital: English
Grade levels: Kindergarten to Grade 12
Tuesdays 9:30am and 10:30am
Thursdays 9:30am, 10:30am and 1:00pm
Select from on of our English themes for your digital visit: Amazing Adaptations, Dinosaurs! Adaptations and habitats, Meet the Mammoth, Gol (more)
Digital: Tech Test
Monday and Wednesday at 2:45 pm, 3:00 pm, 3:15 pm, and 3:30 pm
Book a test if you haven’t booked with us before or if you want to make sure your set-up works (computer, projector, speakers, microphone, etc.)