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IMAX: Sensory-Sensitive Great Bear Rainforest

Audience: Sensory-Sensitive

Event Rating: G - All audiences

  • Sensory sensitive screening intended for guests who find the Immersive IMAX® Experience prohibitive.
  • Low lighting will remain on, volume will be lowered, doors will be left open and movement and discussion during the film will not be restricted.
  • Theatre capacity will be reduced to 75 seats.
  • This film is in 2D, no special glasses required
  • You may scan your etickets from your electronic device for entry or print the tickets and bring them with you.
  • Age categories: Adult (age 19-64), Senior (65+), Student (19+ with valid student ID), Youth (6-18), Child (3-5), Infant (age 2 and younger).
  • Click the small thumbnail below for the official movie trailer.

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